All adults and youth participating in parish ministries and community outreach programs that interact with youth or vulnerable adults must complete Safe Environment Training. This training can be taken online or in person, and is free of charge. COVID-19 training, a newer requirement for all volunteers, can be fulfilled online. Please complete a volunteer waiver as well. See below for more information.
All volunteers must complete a COVID-19 training session prior to returning to volunteer at a parish, school or other Diocesan location. This includes everyone who helps with outdoor Mass or any other activity on the church premises. Thank you for your volunteer efforts and dedication to keeping all of us at St. Anthony Church compliant and safe.
Safe Environment Training is mandatory for diocesan clergy, employees and active volunteers working with youth or vulnerable adults. It must be completed during the employee onboarding process or prior to volunteer participation and must be renewed every three (3) years. The VIRTUS® online training course – Protecting God’s Children – provides flexible accessibility and is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean languages. Volunteers and employees who serve in homebound ministries, bringing the Eucharist to the sick, or serve with vulnerable adults are required to take the combined training course – Protecting God’s Children & Vulnerable Adults – which incorporates the Protecting God’s Children training material. Please contact the Parish Office if you have any questions. If it is time to renew your certification, please complete it before the end of March 2023. |
Youth between the ages of 13 up to their 18 birthday, must complete the VIRTUS® Healthy Relationships for Teens online training course for employment or volunteer service eligibility. Training must be renewed every 2 years to maintain eligibility up to 18 years of age. Once the teen reaches 18 years of age, they are required to take the adult training programs in order to continue their service. Use the link below to register, and follow instructions to commence online training. A certificate will be generated upon successful completion. Live, in-person training may also be available; check schedule at botton of the linked page for details.
Course: Healthy Relationships for Teens