Come, visit our diverse, friendly Catholic church located in the peaceful foothills of Almaden Valley. We welcome all—regardless of race, beliefs, marital status or sexual orientation. Here, you and your family can come to know Christ more deeply, more personally, through our joyful Masses, community outreach and faith development opportunities. Experience Christ's warmth and embrace in our smaller, family-like community, and build life-changing friendships. Come as you are. Come and see.
Weekend Mass is celebrated at 4:00 pm Saturday afternoon at our historic church in New Almaden, and 8:30 and 10:30 am Sunday morning at our main church on McKean Road. On the last Sunday of the month during the summer, the 10:30 am Mass is celebrated outside under the oak tree. We think you'll find our serene Almaden setting offers a sense of peace that helps bring you closer to Christ. MASS TIMES, LOCATIONS
Weekday Mass is at the McKean Road church on Tuesday - Friday at 8:00 am, followed by the Holy Rosary. On first Fridays of the month, the weekday Mass is held at 6:30 pm instead of in the morning, and Adoration follows at 7:00 pm.
Friday, March 7 at 7:00 pm, after the 6:30 pm Mass, until 7:00 the next morning. Individual Reconciliation 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Friday.
Wednesday, February 19 beginning at 8:30 am, after the 8:00 am Mass, until 12:00 pm. Individual Reconciliation from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Mass is celebrated the half hour before Adoration begins. More informationConfession is the sacrament of the tenderness of God, his way of embracing us. Pope Francis
Individual Reconciliation is offered in the Eucharistic Chapel
from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on the first Friday of the month
from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon on the Wednesday of the month designated for Adoration
at any time arranged with Fr. Tad Terembula. Contact the PARISH OFFICE.
In October, St. Anthony Parish put on its annual Trunk or Treat event for the community. It's hard to tell if the kids or adults enjoy it more! Here's a link to more PHOTOS.
Fr. Tad blessed parishioners' pets on the Feast Day of St. Francis.
MORE PHOTOSThe Catholic Bishops of California are introducing a new initiative, Radiate Love, celebrating the love found in marriage and family to encourage and inspire marriage.
Introductory LetterSix of our young members received their First Holy Communion and eight were Confirmed in the faith on May 5. It was wonderful to have Bishop Cantú with us to preside over the Mass with our pastor Father Tad concelebrating. It was a joyous morning capped off with wonderful hospitality on the patio. Congratulations to the chilren and youth and their families! PHOTOS
Several of our younger parishioners received altar server training shortly after receiving their first Holy Communion. Pictured are some of our new and continuing servers. Thank you for the faithful service of all.
Donate to help families affected by the war in Ukraine: CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES.
The 8:30 am and 10:30 am Sunday choirs are looking to recruit more singers and musicians. Please consider sharing your talent and joining us in praising God through music. Each choir rehearses one evening during the week and before Mass. For more information, contact Corinne Jarrett or talk to a choir member after Mass.
For those needing assistance with everyday essentials, St. Vincent de Paul provides critical support to those in need. Some of the services provided include help with rent, utilities, food, gas, clothing, furniture etc. If you or someone you know is looking for help, please call the main help line at 408-249-2853. St. Vincent de Paul will direct you to the facility closest to where you live
Are you or someone you know struggling with emotional challenges like isolation, anxiety over health, grief due to some kind of loss, tension from work, juggling childcare, school, financial strain or job loss, uncertainty about the future or any other unexpected life challenges? If so, you don’t have to face it alone.
Stephen Ministers provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties. Ministers are ready to listen, care, encourage and provide emotional and spiritual support.
A Stephen Minister will meet with you privately--by phone, by video chat or if possible, in person--to offer care and support. The service is free and completely confidential. For more information contact Claranne at 408-782-1413.
You are never alone. We are always here to receive your personal prayer request, celebrate Mass in memory of a loved one, or arrange a home communion visit. Add your prayer intentions at our online Prayer Chapel too. LEARN MORE
Our Pastorela Movie features talented youngsters from our parish and was filmed on the church grounds. Congratulations to the wonderful cast and crew for creating this fine film! Gather your family and watch the forces of good overcome evil in this fun-filled movie! WATCH NOW | LEARN ABOUT PASTORELAS
Though it was created for the youth of Madagascar and Africa, LectioYouth.Net guides anyone who is interested in reading, reflecting on, and responding to the Word of God. New material based on the Sunday readings is provided each week. Consider visiting the site in preparation for attending Mass each weekend or as a follow-up to deepen your understanding and commitment to living the Word. FIND OUT MORE
Congratulations to our "adopted" seminarian, Robert Lamorena, who Bishop Cantú ordained to the priesthood on May 25. Rev. Robert Lamorena is assigned to be a parochial vicar at Holy Spirit Church.
For the latest parish news and bulletin archives, see our bulletin page.
Our weekly email newsletter can be found online under Parish News in our NEWS menu.